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Interesting facts about the endurance sport SwimRun

One fine day in 2002, four friends were sitting together on the island of Utö, part of the Stockholm archipelago. This comprises around 30,000 islands. They were drinking, eating and philosophising about life. Various topics were discussed. 

SwimRun Rheinsberg 2023: Perfectly equipped SwimRunner © SCC EVENTS / camera4

The right equipment for a SwimRun

In order to complete a SwimRun successfully and, above all, healthily, you should have well-functioning equipment. In addition to the essential running shoes and trousers, many other accessories are permitted. We explain what participants should not do without.

SwimRun is a sport for the whole year

"Fish swim, birds fly, man runs!" That's how Emil Zatopek saw it. But swimming and flying are not exclusive to animals. The combination of running and “flying” (i.e., gliding), through cool water gives endurance athletes that special kick.