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SwimRun Rheinsberg

Interesting facts about the endurance sport SwimRun

How the sport of running and swimming began

So the little group discussed whether it is possible to cross the Stockholm archipelago without a boat. As everyone was united by a love of endurance sports and fuelled by cold drinks, a bet was made. This involved swimming and running the distance between Utö and Sandhamn. 

The total distance was 75 kilometres, including 10 kilometres of swimming. The start was in teams of two. The losing team had to pay for the hotel and other costs incurred. The following morning, the so-called "Original 4" set off and took more than 24 hours. 

Natural entry into a swimming section at the SwimRun Rheinsberg 2023. | © SCC EVENTS/Tilo Wiedensohler

The international spread of the SwimRun

It took a few years before the first official race was organised. The first SwimRun was held in 2006 on the same course that the Original 4" ran back then. 

There are currently more than 150 SwimRuns in Sweden. It has become a popular sport. The race "ÖtillÖ" ("from island to island") is becoming increasingly popular. The original course is now used for the SwimRun World Championship.

Year after year, people from all over the world make a pilgrimage to the Swedish capital to complete the 75 km SwimRun. ÖtillÖ" competitions now take place all over the world. Events in the USA, the United Kingdom and Central Europe are not uncommon. 

Kreuz&Quer SwimRun e. V.  is the first German SwimRun club

In addition to the SwimRun Rheinsberg, other SwimRun events are also organised in Germany. Events are organised throughout Germany throughout the year. 

The SwimRun Urban Challenge has also been organised for several years. This series of events has set itself the goal of establishing events in urban Germany. This concept has been well received in eastern Germany. Events in Saxony-Anhalt and around Berlin are enjoying steadily growing numbers of participants. In addition, the first official SwimRun club was founded in Zehdenick on 11 November 2017. 

Kreuz&Quer SwimRun e. V. is still the only pure SwimRun club in Germany. The club is enjoying steady growth in membership. Whether adults or children, everyone finds their place within the club. 90 members, 50% of whom are children and young people, train every week under the supervision of qualified coaches. 

The club has recently trained a coach in Berlin, who also offers training programmes in the German capital. Interested? You can get in touch with the people in charge via the homepage. There you can also find out all about training times and locations.

Participants of the Kreuz&Quer SwimRun e.V. at the SwimRun Rheinsberg. | © private

The SwimRun Rheinsberg organised by SCC EVENTS

The SwimRun Rheinsberg is an important date in the calendar for SwimRun enthusiasts. Since 2016, athletes have been competing against each other in summer just outside Berlin. 

Wonderful forest trails characterise the various distances, as do the Grienericksee lake, the enchanted village of Warenthin and the Poetensteig trail, which the famous writer Theodor Fontane walked along. 

Shortly before the finish, there are wonderful views of the town and Rheinsberg Castle. This year, the SwimRun Rheinsberg will take place on 30 June 2024. 

Swimming participants of the Family Fun SwimRun Rheinsberg on the way to the exit, 2023. | © SCC EVENTS/Sportografen

From the Family Fun SwimRun to the supreme discipline in Rheinsberg

There are various starting options for participants to choose from. The Family Fun SwimRun can be started from the age of 6 - 10, but must be accompanied by an adult.

The race distance is one lap, i.e. 700 metres running and 200 metres swimming. In the Youth SwimRun, the distances vary between 1 and 3 laps depending on age. There is also the SuperSprint, with a distance of 4.4 km (including a total of 1.0 km in the water) and the Sprint with a distance of 11.3 km (including a total of 2.0 km in the water).

Last but not least, the supreme discipline on this day: the SwimRun. 21.4 km are covered, 3.5 km of which are in the water. 

You can start individually or in a team of two. Those starting in a team may not be more than 10 metres apart during the run. An elasticated pull rope is recommended to comply with this rule. In addition, aids such as paddles and pullbuoys are permitted


Running in unspoilt nature at the SwimRun Rheinsberg 2023, SCC EVENTS/Tilo Wiedensohler. | © SCC EVENTS/Tilo Wiedensohler